Authentic Marketing (And Success) Require You to Look Within Marketing Articles | December 17 Will Grier Jersey , 2009
Let?s face it: being self-employed, our businesses are fundamentally a reflection of every part of us. It?s not like working for a corporation where you don?t really control the outcome of the business unless you?re at the top. Who you and I ?are? as people literally affects our businesses, every day, every minute, every second, with every breath.
Knowing that the ?inner? is directly reflected in the ?outer,? it?s especially so for those working solo. If there?s turmoil or disconnection within you as a person Greg Little Jersey , it will be reflected in your business. If there?s purpose, acceptance, and alignment, things come to you without struggle.
For me personally, this past year has been a year of reflection and re-gearing for the next level of my business, almost an incubation phase. I?ve come to the realization that I needed to stop listening to so many OTHER people?s opinions of the next journey for my business and needed to look inside. And that included seeing what?s authentic, what my purpose is Brian Burns Jersey , and what I?m here to do with my clients. It?s been about healing the past GUNK that?s often stopped me and about strengthening WHO I am as a person, to then best fulfill what I?m here to do (and create an even more delicious business doing it).
Years ago, I thought that attracting clients was 100% about fancy marketing. I was wrong. The longer I am in business and the longer I work on my own spiritual and personal growth, the more I?ve gotten clear that attracting clients and having the business of your dreams is actually more a 3-slice pie. Sure, Marketing is one of those slices, and a very important one (hey, you?ve got to take ACTION to attract clients. No excuses).
But Curtis Samuel Jersey , the other two slices of the pie are not always talked about openly. Honestly, I haven?t always talked about them in public either, for fear of sounding a little too ?Woo Woo?, if you know what I mean. Most times I would just hint