DXN Code Strike side effects when you're just you know when you're this in that giant zone of just being loved and just feeling beautiful for being that is a beautiful thing that just you know say something with that a solo oh yeah I'm telling you me I feel relieved already that is the sound of the day like I said me and say that anytime it you got to get through something I don't care what it is me and just start to feel good now and the more that you feel good the more good will come to you and that's why I always say me and you guys start loving yourself more the more you love you the more love comes to you more love you spread out there the more
DXN Code Strike benefits more people are gonna line up with the way then you talk about yourself it's like I mean I I'm observant sometimes analysis my nature sometimes overhear conversations about how certain people talk about themselves you know and it's just like you know what I'm like it's like a reminder to me like the more like to always talk talk positive about yourself even if it's something that you're not thinking like you know is that really negative like no really listening to yourself like when you're talking about the way that you're training like you know people like really listen to